Edward Mier v. Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Co.
From 2014 through 2018 Ed Mier enjoyed a fruitful career at Mutual of Enumclaw (MoE). He was timely promoted, received pay increases, and obtained good (if not great) performance reviews. But that all changed once he opposed his boss’s repeated desires to discipline fellow co-workers who took leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. Mr. Mier’s final opposition to his boss’s FMLA discrimination happened in January 2019. A week later Mr. Mier had his performance review. At that review his boss told him that “it makes my blood boil when people go to HR”, among other things. And in April 2019 MoE fired Mr. Mier on trumped up conflict of interest charges. A copy of Mr. Mier’s FMLA retaliation, wrongful discharge, and breach of contract lawsuit is available here. Mr. Mier amended his complaint, a copy of which is available here.
MoE then tried to dismiss Mr. Mier’s state law discharge and employee handbook claims. On November 18, 2021, the Court denied MoE’s motion and issued an order concluding, in part, that the effect of MoE’s employee handbook disclaimer would be one for a jury to decide.
The case resolved.
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